Maternity Care With Us

All of our clinics offer traditional one-on-one care, and some clinics offer group visits as well. The majority of our doctors work in shared on call groups, while three of our doctors provide solo care to their maternity patients. Please see Our Doctors for more information.

Prenatal Care:

  • In order to optimize a healthy beginning, we encourage women to seek early pregnancy care. We offer this care from our family practice clinics.

Labour and Birth:

  • There is always a doctor on-call who will assist with any pregnancy concerns that occur outside of clinic hours. The doctor on-call will support and care for you during labour and birth.

  • If followed by a doctor in solo care, this doctor will attend your labour and birth.

Post-Partum and Newborn Care:

  • While in hospital, the family doctor or group of doctors who has followed your pregnancy will visit you and your baby until you are both ready to go home.

  • You and your baby will continue to be seen through the family practice clinic until about 6 weeks after birth. Some of our clinics offer Parent and Baby Groups.

  • We will ensure that you are ready to transition back to the family doctor who cared for you before your pregnancy. If you don’t have a family doctor, we will help you find one.